
(714) 838-2923


As winter chills and icy storms begin to seem like house guests who just won’t leave, people around this time of year take a day to nurture that special flame in their lives. The warm embrace of the one you love drives back the cold of winter, and on Valentine’s Day this year couples everywhere will take a moment to reflect on their relationships, enjoy them, and add kindling to the fires of their love. For everyone else it can be hard to hold back chilly loneliness. Seeing all the couples on February 14th, happy and in love, can be tough, but everyone has somebody to love them.You might not have a significant other, a fiance or a spouse, but you do have loved ones, family, and friends. Cherish them if you have nobody else, and your heart and home will be just as warm this Valentine’s Day.

At BERT we recognize how important these relationships are. Our loved ones are the light of our lives, and it would be devastating if anything happened to them. Any emergency plan should take that fact into account. As we teach in our training, “Your first priority is you and your family.” While our program is partly designed to help businesses survive emergencies, no company can take precedence over the life of your loved ones. In our program you are the number one priority, then your loved ones, with your co-workers and business coming third. We could never expect you to function well in an emergency if you fear for the lives of people you love, which is why family emergency preparedness is such an essential aspect of our program. Should anything happen we don’t want to just prepare you and your employees– we want the people in your heart to be safe as well.

So enjoy this time with them. Have a good laugh, eat some great food, and be liberal with your hugs. Enjoy friendship, love and fellowship with the people you care about. And then,on another day, talk with them about safety. There is so much everyone can do to prevent the ordinary tragedies that happen all the time, and you can start protecting the most important people in your life right now. All it takes is a little planning, some preparation, and a lot of love.

To protect your home and family this year, take the BERT training program today! You will learn proper safety measures to take in your household, how to go about planning to evacuate your home, and what you need to do to be ready if disaster strikes.

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